Caja de eventos

RESCHEDULED - AARP Presents: Don't Get Scammed (Virtual) Online

Houston Public Library is proud to partner with AARP to provide presentations on various topics relating to the senior community. Join us as we focus on the topic of Don't Get Scammed.

 Why You Should Attend: Seniors will receive valuable information on topics such as retirement, scam prevention, Medicare, and more information about AARP and how it works. They also can share personal experiences that may be helpful to those who will soon become seniors. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more from these free presentations!

Esta presentación se transmitirá en vivo en la página de Facebook de la Biblioteca Pública de Houston.

Jueves 20 de marzo de 2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Zona horaria:
Hora central: EE. UU. y Canadá (el cambio)
En línea:
Este es un evento en línea. La URL del evento se enviará a través del correo electrónico de registro.
Grupo de edad:
  Adultos     Seniors - grado XNUMX  
  Clases y educación  

Es necesario registrarse. Hay 999 plazas disponibles.


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